October 7th, 2009, 03:49 AM
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 75
Thanks: 14
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Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)
Hrm, I guess I've been floating around here for a few months (never saw this thread, d'oh!). I'm , 27 and working/studying in Palo Alto, California, getting "Piled-Higher-and-Deeper" in Economics while working part time for a boutique fund in the area.
Long time gamer who's worked in the game industry for a few years then decided to keep it a hobby (makes it more fun this way)... now I dabble in grabbing online data, quantifying them, throwing that into matrices, and optimizing the whole shebang to derive something moderately useful. I'll spare you the dreadfully exciting details. 
Strategy games... mmm, have dabbled mainly in computer games since Civ/MoO/MoM/Rot3K era, with a bit of the Panzer General-series thrown in. Tabletop experience limited mainly to a splash of Warhammer and D&D minis (and whatever's offered at local Cons).
Oh yeah I'm a total closet gamer so uhm, shhhhhh don't tell any of my friends I'm here!