Originally Posted by BandarLover
LOL that's all I can think to say to that Honey.
Any ideas on unit numbers that are available? I was thinking of just copying the unit numbers of a seperate mod not related to any of the Warhammer nations. Same with weapon numbers, spell numbers, etc.
Also, how do name lists work? I suppose I could just about copy/paste Sombre's name list from Ogre Kingdoms.
There's a mod compactibilty spread sheet (by Gregstrom) in the forums, you can find numbers for Ogres, Tomb Kings, Skaven and Chaos there. By comparing those numbers with the ones posted below, you should find "spots" to squeeze your stuff in.
Here's a list of Dwarf Numbers
-Monsternumbers -> 2650-2680??
-Weaponnumbers -> 840-860
-Armornumbers -> 340 - 360(max)
-Sitenumbers -> 795 - 799(max)
-nationnumner -> 77
Here's a list for Bretonnia
--nationslot 78
--weaponslots 715 - 721
--armourslots 322 - 323
--unitslots 2750 - 2786 (will probably go up to 2790)
--siteslots 788 - 789
--10 spell-slots (will eventually take 12)
And only Calchet knows what slots the Chaos Dwarfs will take.
As for namelists, things look grim. Ogres and Bretonnia take up the Bogarus namelists and Tomb Kings + Skaven take the 126/127 slots. IIRC, one of the Hinnom giant name lists was restricted to either EA/LA, which would make overwritable (in the same way like Bretonnia and Ogre names overwrite Bogarus male/female names).
If nothing else seems to work, the "nature beast" namelist could be overwritten with a minimal effect on the vanilla game.
It doesn't make stuff any easier that I'll need a name slot for dwarfs too... Ugh.. I'll likely have to co-operate with Clachet to use the same namelist and type for both dwarf races.