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Old October 7th, 2009, 05:07 PM
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Default Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread

Oh right, I had some annoucments to make too, but I forgot that in my sprite craze.

1) I wasn't able to make #battleform work out. Well, I sort of did, but the battleform sometimes ended up getting afflictions from the killing #onebattlespell, which was something that a)I couldn't thematically explain, b) would just sometimes cripple the player randomly (like getting your Runelord feebleminded when he switches to combatform). Hence I had to make some changes in how Oathstones and runesmiths will work.

New Oathstones: Now Thane and King have the option to change shape into a "oathstone" form, which gives them standard + boosted stats + "runic ward" special shield alongside with a special #onebattlespell which boosts troops. However, once you go Oathstone, you will be immobile and can't change back (you've sworn an oath to defend the land, you can't just 'take it back'!)

New Runesmiths: Smiths will retain their picks, but I'll cripple them in combat with heavy armor (enc 2 armor + enc 1 "Runic Ward" shield) and some negative reinvigoration (-1 for smith, -2 for Runelord) to represent the difficulty of using runic magic in combat.

Originally Posted by BandarLover View Post

1. Is the Slayer King wearing a full mail suit? And if so, isn't that, like, against Slayer code?
The thing about him is that he's sworn the King's oath too. In dwarf culture, King Oath > Slayer Oath . So it's not that he wouldn't want to be out there getting heroically slain, but he has to remember his duties as a King too and keep himself alive for the benefit of Karak Kadrin. Hence the armor.

As for his gameplay stats, he'll be a bit less beefier on stats than Dragon Slayer, but he'll summon a lot of slayers, have a big standard and possess some runic wards to protect him from harm.
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