Originally Posted by Jack_Trowell
Does it mean that you cannot change back at all, even after the battle ?
No "#firstshape" command on the oathstone form I suppose ?
Yeah, once you step into an oathstone, you're stuck there. This will represent the Dwarf incanting a oath to defend that province to the bitter end. I know that this will cause confusion and perhaps even some accidental turn do-overs due to misclicks, but without #battleform it's the only at least somewhat thematic way to implement them.
If you could freely shapechange between oathstone form and regular form, it would open up for a lot of retarted unthematic tricks with them. (like starting on oatstone form, stepping out, taking a few steps and then taking it up again).
Originally Posted by Jack_Trowell
By "retain their picks" you means that they won't get their path reduced for battles ?
Yeah. It simply can't be done as I visioned without them randomly getting afflictions at the beginning of the battle.
Originally Posted by Jack_Trowell
I don't think giving them some negative reinvigoration is the best solution.
You can always use some reinvigoration bonus, and with a high Earth blessing, give a shroud of the battle saint to the smith, and you both remove the 2 end armor, and give more reinvigoration.
Hmm, I forgot about bless reinvogration. My basic premise was that if you need to equip your each battlemage with Girdle of Might (to negate natural exhaustion), Shroud (to negate armor), things like "hammertime" and "magetime" start to get into equation.
But ugh.. The more encumeberance & fatigue penalties I give them, the more important and a "no-brainer" choice would an earth bless be. If I calculate a basic earth bless into their spellcasting enc, I'd basically be penalizing the player for
not choosing an earth bless.
Ugh. Why couldn't the #battleform just work?! The closest equivalent I can think of now is to make them cast a onebattlespell causing the "mute" affliction on them, but then I'd have to make healers widely accessible so that the Smiths aren't permanently magic-crippled by just taking part in an combat.
Originally Posted by Jack_Trowell
Give them some "bonus" armor that could not be replaced with a magic item (I don't know if it is possible without removing an item slot, is the #bonus flag useable on armors ?)
I think that it's not possible. However, taking the body slot away from them would probably be the "cleanest" solution. Hmm.. Perhaps I'll give them a "Runic Armor" with enc 3 (for casting enc +6!) and remove the exhaustion penalty. I'll just have to devise an excuse for why they can't exchange it.
Originally Posted by Jack_Trowell
Will it be a Domsummon or the summon order ?
Likely both. Domsummon for Trollslayer and summon for Giant Slayers (as troops)