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Old October 8th, 2009, 05:08 PM

BandarLover BandarLover is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer Greenskin hype/brainstorming thread....

I would be very interested in seeing whatever code you've done so far, Okin!

I've been working on a bare bones DM so far, basically it just has orc foot units, or will soon. But I had some questions I wanted to post here and get peoples thoughts on.

I planned on adding #charge to the orc choppa, to simulate the +1 to strength they get on opening round of combat in tabletop. Fantomen expressed concern that it might be over powered. I really don't know either way, so thoughts please.

Also, how would one go about setting gold and resource cost for units? I've been erring a bit on the cheap side, since reg orcs aren't as disciplined as similar troop types for other nations. About 9g and 5 resource for an Orc Boy with choppa/shield and leather armor. Too cheap? Not cheap enough?

If I think of other questions I'll post again soon.
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