Originally Posted by Alpine Joe
Okay...now whenever I open a game of dominions, or try to create a pretender god or alter mod preferences, single age mod is automatically enabled
That's quite normal. The mods that were in used in the last game you played will be automatically on "enabled" status when you start the game.
Originally Posted by Alpine Joe
and trying to get in a game causes the whole game to shut down with no error message. The only way I can play dominions is to delete single age mod from my mod folder.
Okay, that's not normal. No error message? That's odd. Well the 'good news' is that you are the only player experiencing these problems, so that means it must be tied to your system.
Have you tried re-downloading the single-age mod? If that doesn't work, reinstalling Dom3 should do the trick (just be sure to have the possession of the CD and the CD-key before doing that).