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Old October 9th, 2009, 09:13 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Arrow Re: OT: Any reccomendations for good fanatasy books

Originally Posted by Mojo the Avenger View Post
Tolkein was a world builder, not a writer. His work was so influential because it was genre defining. His writing is dry and arduous to read, not to mention jam packed with deus ex machinas.

I'm a tolkein fan, but first does not equal best. I say Martin's work is head and shoulders above the rest because it doesn't solve every problem with wizards, and he isn't afraid to let main characters die if it makes the most sense. Most fantasy literature coddles the reader.
Shows that people are different. I love tolkiens attention to detail - his philology. If I had to pick 100 books I'd already read for a desert island - tolkiens lotr would definitely make the cut.

Whereas I've picked up a variety of Martins books and found them eminently forgetable.

Asprins first 6 Myth books are pretty funny.
Donaldson's first trilogy - pretty good.
Robert Jordan was widely followed. Too many words for my taste.
Bersercker- by cook was Ok.
Web of the Chosen - by Jack Chalker
Cugel the Clever - which sort of chicken and egged DnD magic.
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