Re: Taxing
When you set taxes to 200% in a province you just raided, it's not you who gets the gold if you lose the province, it's your enemy, and most of the time the enemy will recapture the province, that's why you put 200% taxes in the first place right, because you expect to lose it and want to cause maximal damage to the enemy?
But by setting them to 200% you're not really doing anything (if he takes them back the same turn).
He'll get the doubled income for that turn and all the gold he'll lose due to minimal unrest caused by one turn of taxing will be coved by the initial turn when he recaptured the province with 200% tax.
So, it makes more sense to put the province to 0% tax if you know you're gonna lose it.
Since then he will recapture the province with no income gain that turn and that will hurt him more than the 200%, where like I said the gold gained from 200% taxing and the lose from minimal unrest cause by raiding will be more or less the same, and he will not have actually lost any gold.