Re: Warhammer Dwarfs, discussion/hype thread
I tested he Jomon summons. Their idea is that they get -1 to all paths when they leave their home province (which could have worked for the smiths). Unfortunately they are ethereal and magic beings, which are tags I can't get rid off and would be quite unthematic for Runesmiths. So in short, I'm sticking to the Runic Armor plan. I'll devise some story about how the custom armor is necessary for them to channel runic magic and that's the reason why they can't exchange it for any other armor.
On another tangent, I managed to draw graphics for the Grimnir pretender and thunderers. So only graphics missing from the current troop line-up are Thorgrim, Thorek and Grungni pretender. But since they are big, work-intensive sprites, I'll save them up for another update and concentrate on producing the .dm file.