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Old October 14th, 2009, 12:31 AM

BandarLover BandarLover is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer Greenskin hype/brainstorming thread....

OK a few more questions to get people's reactions on some more ideas. Note, once Okin sends me his notes and/or code that he has already done for his orc mod, some of these may change, but I want some feed back regardless.

The Orc Choppa: Would it be thematic if I give it the armor piercing command? It is a fairly nasty weapon but I felt it would help make the Orc units more tactical, ie. orcs with choppas can pierce armor and orcs with Bashas will have the flail tag giving them bonus against shields.

Black Orcs: or specifically, their armor. I know they are the heavy armor unit but I feel as though I should give them custom heavy armor, since giving an orc "full plate armor" doesn't sound as interesting as "Large metal bits with lottsa' spikey bits" does. It would be the same stats as full armor, just a more colorful orc description.

One more modding question: I know it's possible to give a nation an affinity toward cold or heat the same possible with other scales? Like, I know Abyssia's income is unaffected by death scale, or so says the mod manual. I'd kind of like to give Greenskins an affinity for Turmoil for thematic reasons and I noticed the #turmoilincome command in the General modding section of the manual.

All in all, I've got the recruitable orc units written out. I'm leaning towards making Orc shamans stronger in Death and fire, while Gobbo shamans will be stronger in Nature and Fire and also making the gobbo shamans the 'better' national mages, seeing as how they are so cunning and their minds are more receptive to Wauugh! magic. I'm holding off a bit until I see what Okin has to inspire me more, and for Fantomen to finish up the Black orc and Orc shaman sprites before releasing a 'beta' version of this mod.
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