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Old October 14th, 2009, 02:19 PM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Brong is confused that the followers of Smaug seem happy at the dispatching of their hissing God. But if that is indeed what pleases them, then we wish them well with their many endless months of genuflecting to return him to this war-strewn plane.

But be warned that those who are devoted to Brong will not be so readily converted to follow the words of another, and a repeat fate awaits Smaug and his foolish flock should they again return to attempt the spreading of their false preachings.

Elsewhere, Brong welcomes the sudden arrival of our new neighbours at the site where an omni eyed ruler of giants previously sat upon his throne. And one wonders if they are going to be friends to their deprived nature loving cousins?
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