Originally Posted by Redeyes
Originally Posted by Sombre
That's a series tending to infinity. He's talking infinite sheep. Doesn't have a size.
Well, the growing series is apparent in the simulation and the examples everyone else used...
If the series is changing the change is quantifiable; and series do indeed have size.
I was thinking that too, but I think the function has a probability component, so each sheep or wolf has a probability to reproduce or to eat or be eaten. If that was the case, the function would not be a set limited by possible arguments, because any given argument could lead to different outcomes (infinite number in fact, just that most are highly unlikely).
therefore, we can't say that the series has a known size, only that each possible set of arguments has a distribution of outcomes. I guess we could have a series of known distributions...
Originally Posted by Foodstamp
The take away point of this thread is that the word "Cull" is definitely fun to use.
I think so, yes.