I really can't recommend turning off the UAC since there are other ways around the problem. Rather than repeat everything I will quote a couple of past posts:
Originally Posted by Ballbarian
I am going to say it again (with experience as a Vista user):
I HATE Vista.
Have your friend look under:
C:\Users\YourFriendsVistaUserName\AppData\Local\Vi rtualStore\Program Files\dominions3\savedgames
The above is roughly the path where Vista put mine when I tested an install under Vista in this post. *snip*
Another wonderful feature of Vista is likely the reason that he can't find the folder via the hard drive search. You have to be sure and click the barely noticeable "Advanced Search" arrow and change the location selector from "indexed" to the hard drive and also check the box labeled: "Include non-indexed, hidden, and system files".
Originally Posted by Ballbarian
I don't think that the dom install touches the windows registry at all. It basically just creates a folder and plops the game files in it...
I renamed my original dom3 directory and did a fresh install.
Vista is your problem. (Have I mentioned anywhere that I HATE VISTA?)
I created a new game with the new install and low and behold, no saved games folder appeared in my new dominions3 directory.
I named the game StupidVista and then clicked through a hundred buttons to make vista search the entire hard drive and not just the "indexed" locations (thank you very much MS...) and found the game here:
C:\Users\Ballbarian\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Pro gram Files\dominions3\savedgames
Well of course! Why didn't I think to look there in the first place.
Probably the easiest solution to your troubles would be to just copy the game folder back from your old PC again and put it in a location that makes sense to you.
Mine is in: C:\Games\dominions3
Then just make your own shortcut by right clicking on the dom3.exe and put it on your desktop, or in your start menu.
Hope that helps.