Thread: Mod Lances and More.
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Old October 16th, 2009, 09:43 PM

zlefin zlefin is offline
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Default Lances and More.

First release. Let me know how it plays.

This mod adds 13 new weapons to the forgeable list.
I made this mod because the base game didn't have any true lances (with the charge bonus), and had only one pike, and no javelins. Yet many units use such weapons, so it seemed odd to lack forgeable options for them.
Since new art cannot be added, only existing icons were used, and the choices
for pikes and lances are, very limited, so the art is rather imperfect.

A shortlist of new weapons by type, with path and effect notes:
note: large aoe means >1; generally 5-10 squares.
Construction 0
Pike B1; horrormark on strike
Lance E1; armor piercing.
Throwable N1; large aoe poison.
Pike F2; hurts larger foes.

Construction 2
Lance F2; hurts larger foes
Pike D1; large aoe fear.
Javelin D1; large aoe ap damage, mr resist, raises killed units.

Const 4
Pike W1; large aoe cold stun damage.
Lance S1; armor negating. no effect on mindless
Javelin A1; numerous projectiles per shot.

Const 6
Lance W2; 3 attacks.
Pike N1; ap damage, poisons on strike.
Hammer E4; aoe 100 earthquake on attack; no primary attack.

Attached Files
File Type: zip Lances and (2.5 KB, 193 views)

Last edited by zlefin; October 18th, 2009 at 01:12 PM..
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