Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Requests are great altho probably abit late for Dom3
But just to keep people from getting too frustrated, realize that the answer to micromanglement is the same as in any game. Find a macro program that works in conjunction with the game then program hotkeys to do what you want.
This isnt just a Dom3 thing. Your entire future in gaming can be affected by this. You will get pwned quick in any new MMORPG if you dont realize that someone is definetly going to hotkey their long series of attack actions. As soon as they get a new game, some people will go searching for cheats while others will immediately start testing macro programs to get ahead of those who are waiting for others to post the answers. A very basic "hacker thinking" concept is that nothing should be done over and over. As soon as it seems to be re-occurring, program it away. Hotkey programs are not hard to use. They "watch and record" your mouse and keyboard actions, then assign them to something like Ctrl-Alt-Z (as an alternative to the Z action in Dom3)
I love people who do that in MMORPGs. They = easy loot for my thief and easy kills for the rest of my characters

I remember the first time I ever encountered someone macroing. They were casting an are of effect spell over and over and I wanted through the area. So I sent them some tells to stop long enough for me to move through the camp and they never did. I got hit with an AOE, got ticked off and killed the guy. His town was nearby so I went there to kill him again. His character was standing in town casting the same spells over and over. That's when the light bulb turned on
