Originally Posted by quantum_mechani
Better stealth is also quite possible (though personally I consider that a minor consideration compared to price).
Every little helps

And if given say 10 stealth, I can see the Monk having a use again (at least from my view). As that would make it more difficult to discover him and any troops he may be leading, and if you are using him for stealthy preaching, you won't have to keep sending him back in when his current 0 stealth makes him get discovered all the time.
Originally Posted by Kuritza
Or perhaps a 'learned monks' theme - give these monks same 25% chance to have 1E or 1S. Its not much, but even S1 is a big boost to a non-astral nation.
Quite like this idea, although maybe the theme purists would take issue (although it could easily fit in with their transition to LA). Maybe 25% ES or 25% E and S is a bit much, but if the Monk had say 10% chance of getting S, then that would see them getting recruited for sure. As landing just one of those S1's would make a world of difference to MA Man.