Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect
Increased stealth is always a consideration of mine. In many cases it will trump gold cost.
Also, Oberon's court sounds like the most interesting way to increase magic diversity in my opinion. I'm all for it.
Thank you for your appreciation. Given that man represents medieval England, I've always felt that they were rather boring. Although I have no skill with modding I've always figured it would be a nice thematic upper tier nature summon for Man.
Oberion: He would of course be one of the main goals of the summon. He would be an extremely strong, borderline SC chassis. Naturally he would have stealth and glamour(and probably magic being) however he should be a strong mage in nature, earth, with minor Air. His presense of course would give man access to the all important Earth 3
Titania: She would be the second goal of the summon. She would be a slight improvement of the faerie queen chassis given that she is of course the high queen of the faerie. But in addition to her regular paths, she would give man Astral 3, opening them up towards ever so many useful things.
Puck would be the trickster and the court jester. While stronger than the average commander, and possessing stealth and glamour he wouldn't be a terribly good thug. That being said, he would provide a great deal of magic diverisity with Fire 3, strong astral magic, and minor air.
The final component of the court would be shoe horned in mythology wise. I figure 4 summons would work from the round numbers standpoint, and the fact that Man is needing all the help it can get. The summon would be Tam Lim, the Faerie champion and the Queen's favorite. He would be a cross between his name sake and the mid-summer nights dream's Demetrius so he should probably possess the head of an @ss. He would be very much thuggable, and possess the usual fey traits but he would contribute much to magic diversity through his possession of water 3, strong air and minor fire.
I hope these musings are of some interest to people.