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Old October 22nd, 2009, 07:45 AM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: MA Man in latest CBM

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect View Post
Yeah, I'm with you on the synergy though. I mean, Thunder Strike and Soothing Song! Lame! Panic and False Horror combined with stealth units! Suck! They don't even have any solid MR spells like Stream of Life, Sleep, or Confusion. I mean its not like some of the best battlefield buff spells in alteration and enchantment happen to all be nature and air spells. Now if only they could summon a flying ethereal size 6 trampler to deal with lightning resistant troops for one gem a piece, or perhaps a flock of smaller units that all deal armor negating damage.
I was thinking more of cross paths spells and probably should have been more clear. Obviously both Air and Nature have good spells. Soothing Song would synergize with almost anything. Panic & False Horror is a good combination. The others aren't synergy, just a bunch of good spells.
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