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Old October 24th, 2009, 12:03 AM

Redeyes Redeyes is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6

Originally Posted by Jarkko View Post
I think Machaka got the short straw with this version.

With Flaming Arrows being so difficult to cast in CBM the only hope for Machaka has been to burn gems for evocations (or to get Flaming Arrows up), craft items and summon stuff early on in the game, and expand rapidly, because their late game *sucks*. Except now there are too few gems available (this is *good*, it just hurts Machaka mid game a lot, and they already do suck in early game and late game...).

Everybody and their dog can enter the seas now, which is good. Well, except of course Machaka. Their troops are useful only to slow down the opponents before the fire evocations save the day; except of course the fire evocations can't be used under the waves.

Machaka desperately needs some help now.

Maybe a national version of flaming arrows with a lot less demanding requirements would be nice. Don't know if it would be possible have a flaming arrows with limited duration (like say one turn, so that the caster would have to recast it each round) or limited area (like AoE 10 or 20 or something), but it sure would help Machaka a lot.

Or perhaps the Black Sorceror could have Dragon Master as innate ability (to be able to summon fire drakes early on to bolster the lines in the early moments).
If you want to find a solution in line with has been done recently the Bane Spiders/Spider warriors could be made recruitable everywhere. The regular spider warriors are almost identical to man's wardens, except they aren't sacred and therefore have twice the upkeep.

The anywhere Bane Spiders might make the nation "assassination-centric", wouldn't call that entirely a bad thing - new dynamics are interesting and if the new strategy is more viable than the old one it's a "win".
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