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Old October 24th, 2009, 10:42 AM

atul atul is offline
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Default Re: Cloud Trapeze vs. Faery Trod

Probably a confusion due to the fact that hidden troops on order "attack current province" no more attack on magic phase if they're attacking alone. They only join if there's a magic attack on the province too.

So, "attack current prov" without magic support coming in -> fight after movement phase; "attack current prov" + people teleporting in -> everyone fighting after magic phase before movement.

The movement stuff was redone with all the funky checks at some point. For instance, it's possible for non-uw-commanders to leave uw-enabling items at lab and move on dry land at the same time (because game checks that only at certain point), but if there's a magic attack on the province at the same time when the commander is moving out, there will be an extra check before movement and that commander dies.

Also, as a more practical example, should you have a hiding scout in prov A attacking adjanced B when Sending Horrors to both A and B, the end result will be first scout attacking A, then horrors attacking A and B, and probably no scout left alive to conquer B. Since as there was magic phase attack on A the game checked whether there was any non-hiding troops in A during magic phase. Do-oh. Been there, done that, got yelled at for my stupidity. least, that's according to my current understanding of how things go.
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