Originally Posted by llamabeast
0.625% means about one in 150, no? So if you recruit 3 a turn then you should get A5 once every 50 turns or so. That is much more often than the one every 660 or so turns from the Eagle King hero.
From what I recall, MA Caelum has three different heroes. Two of them are multiheroes, the Harab Seraphine and Eagle King, and one is a unique hero - some leader of the temple guard, I don't recall the specifics. My assumption was that you had an equal chance of getting one of the three - a 2% to get an eagle king per turn. As the MA Caelum Eagle kings have A5 unlike the EA ones, that's a 2% to get an A5 hero perturn. If you recruit three High Seraphs you have 1- (1 - 0.00625)^3 = 1.833056640625% per turn to get a A5 (or more than one) High Seraph.
The 1 in 666 turns to get an A6 hero is a separate issue, and not one I have verified the maths for. I am only discussing A5 - and where the chance of a getting a hero with is larger than if you recruit 3 High Seraphs per turn.
The Eagle King by itself is certainly good enough that it doesn't need the A5 to be competitive.