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Old October 25th, 2009, 08:47 AM
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Gregstrom Gregstrom is offline
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Default Pantheons - an experiment in metagaming.

Hokay, peeps, this one might be a bit seat-of-the-pants as it's a new concept. I think it'll work better for bigger games, so I'm hoping for enough interest to make this a borderline megagame, but that may be a pipe dream. Post if you're at all interested, I guess.

Number of players: many. Seriously, the more the better.
Map: Depends on the number of players, but I think a large one. works better for the concept.
Mods: CBM 1.6, Holy War, Endo's Site Mod. Others by request, perhaps. I'm inclined to allow mod nations.
Settings: Mostly default. HoF 15, renaming on.
Era: Probably MA, but if interest is huge I'll make it all ages.

Victory: Victory by Pantheon.

Okay - the last point is the USP for this game. Instead of 'Only the One True God may win', a pantheon of Pretenders can be acclaimed victors. A monotheism could win, but I reckon pantheons are likely to do better.

There won't be any preset pantheons, either. That would make it a team game. You'll have to work them out as you go along instead, in a kind of diplomatic manner. There can be ranks within a pantheon, too; a King/Queen of the gods, deities of war, love, fire or whatever, and demigods below them.

I'm kind of expecting points to be raised for discussion before the game begins, as I doubt I've thought of everything. I'll try to update the top post with relevant bits as we go.
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