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Old October 25th, 2009, 10:09 AM

Bananadine Bananadine is offline
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Default Re: Mistletoe - an LA game for busy people (in progress)

Originally Posted by djo View Post
Are we down to C'tis vs. Atlantis? Judging by forum chatter and what I can see, no one else looks like they are contending.

(My repeated questions are not trying to prematurely end the game (I can go one indefinitely), but I don't want to play if the game becomes post-mature.)
What is post-mature?

I've only finished one game that I personally hosted so far, and from that game, I learned that most dudes will not hold on until the end, and also (this is a separate, but related, fact) that a war becomes boring after a single leader has passed a certain threshold of success. I think that the victory point system can be used to ameliorate the latter problem, but we aren't using it here. So Mistletoe will eventually peter out in a mildly awkward fashion. (And, incidentally, I will aim to be the last one to leave, whether I'm winning or losing at the time, because I am crazy.)

Until then, some of us will continue to experience interesting battles!
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