Abysia and Atlantis decided to throw their act together, and attacked fair Pangaea. Why can not the forest dwellers be left to live in peace and write some harmonous poems?
Although I have to say the attempt from Atlantis was pitiful. I would love to roll on the floor laughing at that "attack", but honestly, the attempt was so sad that I am simply too embarrassaded on behalf of Atlantis. Surely sending in commanders *alone* against Pangaea (I mean *Pangaea*, who is famous for eating commanders for breakfast) wasn't that brilliant stroke of geniousness, was it? To make matters worse, the commanders were the damn excellent H3 priests, who was sent for some pretender knows which reason into a province with absolutely zero manikin. For next round, please bring along *lots* of chaff, so that you wouldn't have to face similar embarrasments again; losing thugs to PD Harpies is possibly the second worst fate of any wanna-be hero (the worst fate would be to get kileld by markata PD...) after all.
On the other hand, I am quite impressed by the Abysian effort. Ok, so Abysians made some blunders too (and I am most delighted for that, the charts would look so bad without them), but I have to say that attack by 34 commanders (I suppose that is about every single warlock Abysia has ever recruited, right? I certainly hope no unscrupulous nation will take advantage of such a silly concentration of commanders so far from home) supported by a huge (for non-Pangaean standards, that is) army was excellently performed. I lost nearly two percent of my armies, and it hurts me inside

Free spawn have feelings too, you know