Originally Posted by quantum_mechani
Originally Posted by Jarkko
(I suppose that is about every single warlock Abysia has ever recruited, right? I certainly hope no unscrupulous nation will take advantage of such a silly concentration of commanders so far from home)
The 'warlocks' who can fly and thus zip back to the other end of my empire a turn or two, you mean?
Ah, but the warlocks have to have wings to be able to fly, no? There is always the danger of wings getting cut once the abyssian demons meet one of the proper Pangaean armies. It is unfair that the Pangaean PD always have to bear the brunt when evil nations attacks, but the harpy spawns have proven their worth tim and again; yet do not expect such an easy joy-ride in the coming battles. There will be blood and there will be splinters, mark my words!