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Old October 28th, 2009, 02:05 AM
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Default Re: Bretonnia, Knights of the Grail v.0.83 -- Finally a stable release!

Originally Posted by kianduatha View Post
After playing against the other Warhammer nations with Dwarves, I noticed that I got absolutely raped by high Brettonian province defense. Looking at the .dm, do they really get(among other things) 1.5 mounted knights of the realm per point after 20? I suddenly don't feel nearly so bad about Dwarf province defense.
Yeah, intentional. It represents the fact that the "infastructure" of the province is so well developed that Knights of the Realm have been assigned to rule it as feudal lords. It can really suprise an unprepared opponent, especially if you go for decisive battle in bretonnian soil.

But like we all know, buying 20+ pd everywhere is just waste of gold. And there are ways to bypass the KotR's in high bretonnian pd (like flying fear/awe thug charging in the first turn), since the frontline is compased of sucky men-at-arms, the suckers will surround the guy, preventing the knights from getting hits in and everything gets scared of the fear aura and run away.
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