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Old November 1st, 2009, 12:48 AM
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Default Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Running. Morituri te salutamus!

Now what were we talking about? oh yes, we were setting odds/gambling on which team is most likely to win.

Though the Blessed Ones have the least chance of winning according to our guestimates, I would put my gold on their team since the payoff would be greatest. They've got the hunger (at least I hope they do), the fire in the belly that could make all the difference, not to mention being advised my Micah who some consider one of the best players around.

AlgeNymph: The courageous, talented, and brash Captain
Immaculate: AlgaeNymph's second in command is full of energy
RabbitDynamite: Fresh and spirited, the name alone sounds like this player could be explosive
Viccio: Experienced in cooperative play, stalwart and dependable

Their nations: well I want to encourage teams to follow a common theme (in upcoming games) and sort of concentrate on one or two magics paths, attributes and so forth rather than trying to cover all the bases as it were. Makes for a more interesting game to watch and leads to less contention in nation selection.

The gurus who write the guides say that T'ien Chi' is a really good nation, especially in the hands of experts/vets. Excellent unit and magical variety I believe.

Vanheim, I think even in EA has that shapeshifter stuff which sorta gives them the equivalent hit points of a giant due to the second form. Don't know about the other ones.

Are they blessed or are they cursed ? We shall see.

Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, and scorn all other men.
-Emperor Septimius Severus, to his sons shortly before his death, quoted in Dio Cassius (77.15.2).
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