Originally Posted by namad
someone please declare war on me and come kill me so that man doesn't get my capital.
That's a nice sporting gesture I must say.
I battle back over many turns from the brink of defeat against a far superior enemy, that started the war in the first place, and now that same enemy is trying to deny me a profit from any victory I may achieve.
Man has more or less been Caelum's only opponent all game, so I'd be pretty pissed if someone came along and stole the prize at the last minute without doing anything to earn it. Especially if Caelum helped them to do it by 'gifting' them their capital. Asia Twist anyone?
There is such a thing as saying 'Well Done' to your opponent, and accepting a defeat with pride and dignity if you have lost a fair fight. Offering your only asset to a random neighbour who has had absolutely nothing to do with the relevant fight all game is certainly not very sporting in my books.
But then I learnt ages ago in life that not everyone accepts defeat graciously.