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Old November 1st, 2009, 05:45 PM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: Forge of Godhood - started

Originally Posted by namad View Post
I haven't had any reason to play in ~40turns and I haven't asked for a delay or staled or even failed to give someone orders... but I'm not sure I can continue to play after having been insulted by the only player I'm playing with. I've been wasting my time almost exclusively for the benefit of you enjoying a game..

*insults removed*

either way I would like someone to either kill me

P.S. I wouldn't even mind if you (man) killed me... I've been waiting dozens of turns for you to attack me and you never did so I just started mounting a nearly suicidal offensive in the hopes of pointing out to you that you could've defeated me dozens of turns ago (the first two or three times I did many many many turns ago I of course thought I had a shot)... but I long since gave up on that plan and I've just reinstituted it to demonstrate to you that I have nothing else and in several dozen turns have made no progress (in like 20turns I've recruited like 3units and had like 80desert)
I obviously had no idea you have had no reason to play for ~40 turns, as you say, as there is no way I could know such a thing. And this actually comes as a shock to me given how enthusiastic I felt you were about this game. This latter remark I judge from the incredible frequency with which you sent me PM's in the early part of this game, mostly during the turns we were allies and not enemies. Although you still sent many PM's when we were enemies. So for you to now suddenly claim you have had no reason to play, basically from more-or-less the start of the game, is very surprising to hear indeed.

Although to say you have been wasting your time almost exclusively for the benefit of me enjoying a game is a very bizarre statement that I don't understand at all I'm afraid.

And I apologise if what I said insulted you, but I found your original comment very insulting. As from my point of view, that comment came across as saying "I'm about to lose to you, but you're not getting the prize you've been fighting for, as I'm going to give it away to the first random person who comes along. So Na-Na-Na-Na-Na".

You have edited your message, but I saw the original, so I will reply.

Yes I convinced Machaka to break their NAP with you and attack you. NAP's mean little in this game, so I didn't consider this to be a terrible incident. You gave me full notice of cancelling our NAP, which you honoured, and which is a credit to you. But the circumstances were vastly different I feel. You decided to attack me, your ally against Bandar, as I was by far the easiest target for you at the time. And like you said yourself, attacking in a different direction would run the risk of you encountering Pan. Which you didn't want to do at all.

As a result of your attack, and given you were over twice the size of my nation at the time, and the big advantage of flying mobility in a small area, I felt my only chance of survival was to turn to diplomacy, and find help against you asap. Frozen Lama / Machaka answered that call, for which he has my thanks. But the only losers in that very brief affair were actually Machaka themselves, who fell to a mirrored stabbing fate against Marignon. I guess there's a good lesson in there regarding 'Do unto others', as the saying goes

You say you have been waiting dozens of turns for me to kill you. Again, how the hell I'm supposed to know such things is beyond me. Or even why anyone would think that way / take that approach, during in a game. I admit some of your play has surprised me at times, but I have never played in a game with you before, and everyone has different ways of playing the game. Plus I have played in less than a dozen MP games to date, so I have far from a full book of example play-styles to judge players upon. So surprising play to me may be normal play to others.

I apologise in advance if I have said anything to again offend you. But many of you comments and remarks here make no sense to me at all, and indeed contradict almost all of your other actions. This makes it difficult to predict or judge any result that may occur from my own comments on this matter.
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