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Old November 1st, 2009, 06:16 PM

namad namad is offline
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Default Re: Forge of Godhood - started

this war was fun but you won it 20-40turns ago

obviously you can't see my .trn files so you can't tell how badly I am doing.... but... I figured after a few dozen turns of doing awful you'd eventually figure it out... now the problem is i can't make you kill me...

because if i gode you too much and then somehow you get unlucky and lose too many troops or commanders... then i seem like i lied and tricked you... but see... if someone else attacked me... well..

they might have had positive income at some point during the game and they might have a force 100times as powerful as mine instead of only 10times as powerful

I mean... not only have I not won any battles at all during this war, I haven't even managed to inflict 10% as much loses as I've sustained and not only that but there have been like 8battles in 45turns maybe less than 8? you have to admit this has been the most boring war ever, eh?

It's hard to fight a war with -200income (I took turmoil1luck3 because if I did very well and had many territories and a chance to win the added income over turmoil3 I felt would've been worth it... and if I wasn't going to win I wasn't going to win) every turn and no non-national gems and no trading while yes there were strategies I could have come up with that would've worked to defeat you they would've required the war to be twice as long as it has been and I'd probably have gone AI after 80turns of this so I tried making some giant random foolish attacks in the hopes of catching you off guard and obliterating you via some happenstance... (if you were able to predict all my good plays and prepare for them I figured bad play might work better than good play... and even if bad play didn't work well it would at least end the war faster even if it only gave me a like 10% chance to win.... now in hindsight bad play was somehow even easier for you to predict than good play but I couldn't've known that at the time)

while I was typing this long post I lost like 80% of my national resources technically I could've done a lot better if I was on defense every single battle but like I said I didn't have the patience to stall you for another 20turns now that I've taken such heavy loses no matter how hard I try to stay alive I wouldn't be able to last more than 10turns, problem solved!

I can't be sure but judging by how shortly before the hosting I posted I have a feeling abysia planned that attack before I called for it... which is quite an odd coincidence if true!

Last edited by namad; November 1st, 2009 at 06:44 PM..
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