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Old November 1st, 2009, 07:39 PM
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Ballbarian Ballbarian is offline
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World Map Forge BETA 001

As promised, here is the Dominions 3 Map Forge BETA.

Preview Part 1:

Preview Part 2:

From the notes:
Map Forge Beta ver 0.0.1

To install:
Unzip contents.
Run MapForge.exe
You will be prompted to set path information for your Dominions 3 maps directory.
Poke around and break stuff. It's a beta afterall.

Many features and tools are hidden, disabled, or incomplete.
Many shortcut keys only work when the map has the focus.
Tool scripting is incomplete and remains largely untested.
Neighbor finding (on a new map) is still a work in progress.
Support for wrap around maps is minimal in this version.
No support for mods in this version.
Credits screen not viewable in this version.
Map Forge is a work in progress.

I will try to add more info as time allows. If you have questions on the use of Map Forge feel free to ask. If you have an answer to someone's questions, please share it with them. I will try to help, but responses may be slow.

Much effort has gone into preventing the loss of work due to bugs and crashes, but you can bet your bunny that I haven't thought of everything. Bugs happen. BACK UP YOUR WORK!

Map Forge BETA 002 attached to this post.

From the included ReadMe:
Map Forge Patch to BETA 002 from BETA 001

Unzip into your Map Forge directory.

Replaces the following files:

Warn when trying to use reserved commander slot 0. God placement only. Now msgbox & sets focus on owner.

PAGEUP & PAGEDOWN for incremental zooming. (KEYZOOMIN & KEYZOOMOUT)

'MarkAllNoStart' & 'ThemeExampleTool'-> nostart values not being properly applied to the output. CHANGED SCRIPTS! Use tnostart (nostart broken)

When clicking on an item in the terrain tool, return focus to navigator if 'mousedown' but not when event via map sc key.

'z' -> next province key map shortcut. (When map has the focus.) (NOTE: CNTRL+N would remove sc key for 'New Map'!) (KEYNEXTPROV)

Shortcut key should have been 'u' for underwater (map terrain tool shortcut key). (KEYTSEA)
Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and feedback!
Attached Files
File Type: zip Map Forge BETA (7.93 MB, 1485 views)
File Type: zip Map Forge BETA 002 (212.6 KB, 1285 views)
RanDom v2 - Map gen & Semirandomizer.
Province Editor - Custom province creation made easier.
God Editor - Custom pretender creation made easier.
Map Forge - Map editor

Last edited by Ballbarian; May 2nd, 2010 at 12:47 AM..
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