Re: Tarrax - Newbie Game (running) - EA 4-8 players on tiny/small random map
Hi Kref, welcome to the community!
You find games and sign up here. Sometimes there are none that are open, in that case you can start your own by posting a new game thread and describing what kind of game it is, house rules, how many players you are looking for etc. Usually you create the game on the llamaserver or elsewhere when you have full signups.
Keep in mind not to sign up in too many games initially, a single game can become very time consuming after a while and go on for many months.
Non-binding diplomacy should mean any deals are based entirely on in-game trust, and that players are allowed to break treaties as they wish. In other words: If you´re backstabbed you can´t complain about it. Also called Machiavellan diplomacy in some games.
Voice of ***** and her spicy crew!