Originally Posted by chrispedersen
I am very close to tearing my hair out in frustration.
My couatl mage, once again decides to go off script.
Chooses for some RIDICULOUS reason to cast madness.
Berserks himself
and promptly throws himself on the sword of the enemy.
Once again DECLINING to cast bless.
I checked the debug log
com Popocatepetl cast spell (favspell Arcane Bolt) (mayusegems 1)
est. choices 62
best spell so far Blessing (score1465)
best spell so far Swarm (score1502)
best spell so far Battle Fortune (score2525)
best spell so far Antimagic (score3474)
best spell so far Touch of Madness (score5782)
It seems you scripted arcane bolt but there is no magic being in battlefield. Perhaps you installed some mod which modifies spell IDs.