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Old November 9th, 2009, 02:16 PM

aaminoff aaminoff is offline
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Default seeking permanent sub for Vicious Circle 3 OR Aquamarine

In VC3, Helheim; in Aquamarine, C'tis. Both are doing very well, I just don't have the time to run both major powers right now. Both are EA with CBM.

In VC3, Helheim is #1 in number of provinces. Gem income is quite good, our armies of golden shield & brand vanjarl thugs just decisively defeated Tir na Nog. We are entering a time of relative instability as everyone rushes to get a piece of Fomoria, recently the leader in income, who after staling for 3 turns and being unable to find a sub has set AI. Other particularly interesting things are happening that I have to explain not in public. I should note that VC3 is a noob game, so you can not sub in unless you have played in less than 5 MP games and not won one, or something like that.

In Aquamarine, C'tis is #1 in income, enjoying the riches of Egypt. Research is also top of the chart. Having cast Well of Misery and Gift of Health you can probably guess what we are summoning out the wazoo. Gem income is less than I would prefer, but Well of Misery helps.

In both games I have been actively engaged in diplomacy with all sorts of people. Anyone taking over should have the luxury of only fighting one at a time.

Please contact me by PM or by email at if you would like to hear more about either of these opportunities

Last edited by aaminoff; November 9th, 2009 at 02:18 PM.. Reason: add contact info
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