Originally Posted by Yskonyn
I would ONLY want to enable 'Worthy Heroes' if this ONLY addresses a weakspot in the game to level out all nations concerning heroes and it leaves all other factors alone. Just for the sake of everyone having reasonably similar chances. So, Quitti if this is the case we can enable that mod, but I really want to keep it at that then, any objections?
Well, some nations that don't need heroes have them that give them diversity, others who really need them for the diversity then again don't have any. It's not a "must have" mod but I heartily recommend using it. For example, I don't think oceania has any heroes made for them - whereas EA T'ien Ch'i has awesome national hero mages (one of them can be used with little fuzz to cast arcane nexus, and is immortal in addition). Agartha then again has some olms who are basically their easiest way to higher water magic, which isn't a very useful, but is versatility still. They do have national water mages at early age, so they are not lacking in that field either with or without the heroes.
Remember though, the game itself is not 100% (or even 80%) balanced, so other nations simply have better chances of survival against others, heroes or not