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Old November 14th, 2009, 09:56 AM

binarysolo binarysolo is offline
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Default Any way to edit the .2h file...

... to undo one move? I spent the past 3 hours carefully scripting my armies and communions in the conquest of vast lands and at the very end decided it was a GREAT idea to sort through my inventory by throwing everything onto a reserve SC (who has the most slots available in my entire army) behind my lines.

Naturally, in accordance with Murphy's Law, I end up sticking a cursed item on him. One that I definitely don't want on him.

Is there any way for me to edit the .2h file somehow and parse things, use an editor, or what not, or do I have to redo my entire turn again? I tried looking through the forums and I couldn't find anything about this.

Slightly along the same vein of thought... is there any way to sort items in your inventory without moving it onto a commander? I guess I'm slightly OCD about it and want to sort it out so swords are in a row, armor in another, etc etc. Or at least put all the cursed items in a row so I don't touch 'em.
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