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Old November 15th, 2009, 01:12 PM

Immaculate Immaculate is offline
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Default Re: RUNNING: First Newbie game, let's discuss how we proceed here

Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
OK so for Nifleheim, I started, my first thing is to set my taxes to 150 and my main group to patrol, this will lose me some population but give me a big headstart, i need lots of gold to buy them giants.

I also made my Scout a Prophet, and renamed him so I could remember who he is (i like to rename things so i know what they are, but so everyone else doesnt)

Yup- pretty similar over here. But 150 is 'the safe side'; for those new players out there, sometimes early cash is VERY important and having a bit of unrest (that can be patrolled down later on), you can go as high as 200%. Sometimes somewhere between 150 and 200 is better. Especially if you have mounted or flying troops (like caelum- they can patrol really good with their flying starting units and 190% is prety safe for them) (please try this out in solo play before you apply it here if you haven't played with this strategy before).

Also remember that there are mecenaries available. I won't say more on the subject but its easy to overlook them when you are new and they can really change the way you play your nation (especially in the early game).
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