Re: Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!
>> With you admitting that you cannot defeat Ermor, I believe he's the rightful winner. I'm ready to concede the game for him should he want to end this. I still would prefer if you'd fight on to actually see what happens.
I might have prevailed, to be honest. But see the smelly comment from Science above. He enjoyed himself killing Marignon, now he is going to enjoy himself killing me. Of course, he cant 'kill' me, but as in Ossa's case, I wont be able to fight both Rlyeh and Ermor effectively.
I wont give him this pleasure.
>> So, you are after all saying that the game cannot be fun if Ermor wins due he playing his nation well.
No. Even Zeldor said it here - he was surrounded by underplayed, staling nations, and then Rlyeh backstabbed his only adversary. Now you decided to turtle, and Science keeps attacking these who might fight Ermor. Its not a victory I would call 'sportsmanlike'.
>>You most certainly did not! You PM’d me exactly once ever and that was responding to questions I sent you.
I asked everyone, in the forum, many times. I also PMed you, indeed, answering your questions and telling you that we should aid Marignon and I am about to attack Ermor. Which I did. You didnt answer me and didnt attack Ermor too, making sure Marignon didnt recover from your backstab.
>> But I'm not surrendering. As far as I'm concerned we'll play it out until the end. If/when Zeldor wants to take my territory i will fight tooth and nail over it. Sure, it would be nice if I had a decent ally or two but I'd rather lose to a sportsmanlike player than be allied with an a-hole.
Yes, you are not surrendering. You are ruining this game by once again supporting an already winning side from underwater, making resistance futile. How very nice. Oh, and speaking of maneers, whining and name-calling. Please do read the previous page. I stated that I asked for help, repeatedly and in a civil maneer, to absolutely no avail. You told me that I should have 'asked somebody for help' and called me an 'a-hole'. Twice now. Go wash your mouth.
I only despaired after Isokron asked to close this game. Just when I was about to finally get a chance to fight Ermor and do something meaningful in this game.
Hehe. Nobody listened to me when I tried explaining just how much more dangerous adequately-played Ermor is than any other nation. When I despaired and lost my temper, I've got your attention at least. Of course, you still didnt understand anything. The likes of you never do.
Last edited by Kuritza; November 16th, 2009 at 11:02 AM..