Re: Setsumi - Come for the game, stay for the drama!
A somewhat neutral comment from the peanut gallery... I've been following this thread for awhile given that I've played with about half of the players here in various MP/Blitz games, and this thread is pretty notorious on IRC too.
I think there's a divergence of expectation amongst the players here, where some clearly regard the point of the game being in-game victory and only that, and that people should act in a game-optimal manner without regard to any other interests. The other party clearly includes diplomacy and meta-diplomatic actions as part of their decision process. It's not my place to assign fault or anything, but while I don't think consorting with Sauron's the smartest idea for one's own livelihood, being indignant in expectation for allies in your holier-than-thou war without any regards to diplomacy is not constructive either. From what I understand Zeldor put a decent chunk of time playing the diplomacy game, and ultimately a lot of Dom3 is that unless you play the No Diplo games. Heck, as he showed, with a good investment of time into diplomatic overtures, you can divide your enemies and even ally them despite clearly leading in the charts.
Obviously these MP games are a huge time investment, and with that builds ownership and attachment, but I think certain players may regret that their comments and behaviors will be permanently etched into the records of this forum. Take a breather, it's a game at the end of the day, no need to wade deep into the mud just to carry the battles into the community itself. :/
Last edited by binarysolo; November 16th, 2009 at 11:22 AM..