Turkey-day break? I will be unable to do turns, due to lack of computer and net access, the 24-27 of this month. Hopefully we can all just have a holiday break, but if not I can find a sub.
I guess it was a little unclear that my declaration of war was directed specifically at experienced players in order to disadvantage myself and otherwise level the playing field.
Originally Posted by Yskonyn
I appreciate the feedback, guys. Raising the tax levels is a common practise early on to get a few bucks quickly?
Are there other means to keep your tabs on the population early game than patrolling?
For a few nations (Hinnom and Niefelheim) you can 1st turn/blind attack with the starting army most of the time and a dozen giants aren't that great at patrolling.
I sort of thought I would find something about this subject linked from
The Strategy Index. This is an awesome reference if everyone isn't already aware of it.