First, there may come a time that your computer or Internet connection goes down due to winter storms etc. While we have to remember that Thanksgiving is an American holiday and we have friends on here from all over the world, I can't see any of us saying NO to a reasonable extension for a holiday in any of our countries.
I say we give Pyg and ourselves that extension as a courtesy to ourselves. I am MORE concerned with the lengthy extension we are comtemplating around Christmas. Its on a Friday and a reasonable Thursday to Monday extension sounds good.
However, from what I have read we are thinking of a series of extensions that could go on for 2 to 3 weeks during that time.
I think your going to find out that some players that aren't doing so well will disappear leaving their nations AI and throw the game out of balance.
To 'Stagger',
Just because Pyg has said he declares war on everyone that has more than a small amount of expieriance doesn't mean 'we the declared upon' are a coalition' OR that as soon as he see one of the supposed enemy he is going to attack them.
Pyg is an excellent player, but he is taking on some heavy hitter nations (except poor 'ol' Arco of course). If you are becoming an ally with Pyg and expecting this to become a world war, you are mistaken and will become a potential enemy of 4 or 5 nations. Better to form a Nap with him and see where you are at the time.
We are off to a good start guys and our Fearless Leader and Admin is doing a GREAT job so far.
Just my opinion of course gentlemen