Originally Posted by Psycho
Originally Posted by Mysterio
Hey, folks. I'm a bit confused on gem use as it relates to being able to cast a spell. According to the manual:
- only 1 gem can be used to temporarily boost a mage's skill by 1 to cast a single spell
- 1 gem is needed for every 100 spell fatigue
- a mage can not use more gems for skill boosting and spell fatigue than his native skill in a path
Are these all true, and is the gem limit based on the mage's native skill or his current skill prior to casting the spell (i.e., increased via Summon Earthpower, Summon Storm Power, etc.)?
Everything here is true. Gem limit is based on the current skill prior to casting the spell.
In the example, the mage has E3 after summon earthpower and needs 4 gems to cast earthquake (1 for boosting his level to E4 and 3 for the spell itself). He cannot do it because he can use up at most 3 gems in one casting with his current skill of E3.
So any
spells (not gems) that boost a skill also boost the number of gems that can be used to cast the spell?
I guess I'm confused by spell descriptions and the manual stating that one gem is needed for every 100 fatigue. Looking at the description for Earthquake, it says it needs 3 earth gems and has a 300 fatigue. Assuming I have an E4 mage, does that mean it takes 3 earth gems + another 3 for the 300 fatigue (1 gem per 100 fatigue), or is the "Requires 3 earth gems" in the spell's description a result of the spell's fatigue cost (so only 3 gems are required instead of 6)?