Re: Who Reanimates?
Pan and LA c'tis might have special rules to reanimate different undead, and other nation get them(through enslave,wish or simply mod...)can only reanimate standard undead...
The Sauromatia hero that make partholonian longdead use "summon allies" command rather than reanimate undead.
Note that some nation have speciel soulless/longdead unit,like atlantis, caelum, Niefelheim/Jotunheim/Utgård, C'tis and Ashdod(unclear if Hinnom have,at least Gath cannot reanimate speciel longdead), and anyone that can reanimate have a chance to get these unit, not restricted to national priest.
Sauromatia is an exception, though nomally they can't reanimate because they lack of undead or demon priest, if you designate an undead/demonic prophet, or mummified your dead prophet, or simply summoned one of the ice devil that have H3, you will find that they can reanimate longdead horseman.