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Old November 19th, 2009, 06:30 PM

Psycho Psycho is offline
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Default Re: Gem Use for Fatigue/Boosting Skill

Originally Posted by Illuminated One View Post
Originally Posted by Psycho View Post
Originally Posted by Mysterio View Post

So any spells (not gems) that boost a skill also boost the number of gems that can be used to cast the spell?

I guess I'm confused by spell descriptions and the manual stating that one gem is needed for every 100 fatigue. Looking at the description for Earthquake, it says it needs 3 earth gems and has a 300 fatigue. Assuming I have an E4 mage, does that mean it takes 3 earth gems + another 3 for the 300 fatigue (1 gem per 100 fatigue), or is the "Requires 3 earth gems" in the spell's description a result of the spell's fatigue cost (so only 3 gems are required instead of 6)?
Yes, any spell that boosts a path also boosts the number of gems that can be spent on later spells.

The gem cost for a spell is what the description says and it's a result of the spell's fatigue. So, for earthquake it's 3 gems, not 3+3.
I don't think this is true. At least it has happened to me that I summon earthpowered someone to be able to cast a spell and he didn't do it. Considering this was against LA Ermor enemy force to small can't be the reason.
In my experience so far it is true. Give more details about your case.
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