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Old November 19th, 2009, 11:00 PM

Shadrach Shadrach is offline
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Default Re: Gem Use for Fatigue/Boosting Skill

thejeff beat me to to it, but

Originally Posted by Illuminated One View Post
Iirc e1 mage with summon earthpower + 2 gems for rain of stones.
Summon Earthpower is E2, so casting it would use up a gem. Rain of Stones is E3 and requires one gem, so casting it requires two more gems, making a total of three for this combo. I ran a test, and an E1 mage will do this given three gems to work with. So an E1 mage can use two gems to cast an E3 spell with the help of Summon Earthpower, even though none of them were used for fatigue reduction.

Now an observant person will note that this still doesn't prove that both gems could be used to cast an X2 spell that requires two gems. As it happens there is no such earth spell, but an S1 mage can cast Power of the Spheres and then use two gems to cast Returning, so that seems to work also.
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