Thread: Balance Machaka
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Old November 20th, 2009, 03:21 PM

kianduatha kianduatha is offline
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Default Re: Balance Machaka

I think that just switching their Hoplites over to Plate Cuirasses instead of Hauberks and making Machaka Spears more like pikes (+1 to attack instead of -1 would go a really long way) would do so much. It'd give them 2 mapmove(so people might actually use them), 15 defense, a decent repel, and only 5 encumbrance.

Amusingly enough, the Spider Armor which is already in game is...sucky. It's 18 prot -4 def 4 enc, where full plate is 20 prot -3 def 5 enc. I'd rather take the full plate anyday. Maybe make Spider Armor not so bad?
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