Re: Balance Machaka
Well, the lighter spider armor isn't really necessary; Plate Cuirasses are 15 prot -1 def 2 enc, which is a good all-around for a Hoplite.
I'm afraid that coming down to 15 prot would erase every semblance of the Spider Warrior's survivability. They don't have shields, and going up to 8 defense won't really save them. Heavier armor is better for them, almost. Spider Armor would be fine changed to just -3 def 3 enc. A much better thing to do for Spider Warriors and Bane Spiders is increase their magic resist. At least the Bane Spiders. It's just criminal to have them be 10 MR.
Militia having javelins would be awesome and fix a lot with the nation as a whole. Their PD wouldn't even suck as much with so many javelins (and the militia not running in so fast to die).
I would think that one of the most important things to get Machaka is a bit of magic diversity--a bit of air access(from a summon?) would give them Arrow Fend and Wind Guide, among other things.
A sacred summon(ghost spiders? shards of the dead god implanted into a squad of Spider Warriors?) would help a bunch too. I'm hoping that it's somewhat justifiable to take a production scale(or at least neutral), what with better Hoplites and soforth. That in turn would make it easier to use Black Hunters.