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Old November 23rd, 2009, 12:38 AM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: Flexibility and Mobility; How do you raid/teleport without air or strong astral?

Quitti hit the nail on the head. You have to play each nation along the grain, and when you've got a nation like Sauromatia you've got to plan for going without the A/S. Sauromatia does have a couple national heroes with A though, one of which is immortal and a pretty thuggable lass. Outside of that though, what you want to do is focus on remote attack spells (arouse hunger, hoard from hell, call of the wild, and send've probably empowered an Eranies to blood, right?). These spells will rock the casaba against anybody putting just a point or two in PD, but you'll want some good scouting to find out before you blow your load. Sauromatia also has ubiquitous thugs with warrior sorceresses being easily blessed/outfitted/buffed for PD clearing, so you can look at a pretty good blitz/raid along your whole border (wherever he doesn't have an army). Sauromatia also has easy access to vampires and can blood sacrifice, so if you push your dominion a bit (jade daggers) immortal, stealthy fliers make excellent raiders. If you manage to line up crystal coins (then forge a cap) your Enaries can teleport, power of the speres and soul vortex... which then leads to a never ending stream of undead being created as a blocking action while the PD has their souls sucked out.
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