Re: Agartha summons
daily report:
farsummon: done
bat's summon:
seals: 6/8(blood/astral/nature/water/earth/fire)
if you have any ideas, please post them, i haven't yet hit spell cap, and i'm not satisfied 100% by some of my seals
#selectspell 87
#copy "Howl"
#name "batsignal"
#descr "call a bat"
#school 1
#researchlevel 9
#path 0 8
#pathlevel 9
#dmg 2297
#nreff 1
This is the spell (87 should be a blank spell), i assigned with #onebattlespell 87 to the bat but it didn't work;does the bat have to be commander?
if they do, there is way to summon commander in battle?
Last edited by Swan; November 25th, 2009 at 07:58 AM..