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Old November 25th, 2009, 02:56 PM

Bananadine Bananadine is offline
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Default Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

A tupilak sent to assassinate an underwater commander appears in the form of a bear, even though the unit's description indicates that it can probably turn into an amphibious creature such as a seal. This bear-form tupilak survives underwater, even though it is neither an amphibian nor a poor amphibian. And it receives the underwater stats penalties! How sad for an Atlantian assassin!

I guess it could be that not every tupilak can turn into a seal; the description supports that idea. But in my experience EVERY tupilak has appeared as a bear, even though they're supposed to be able to turn into other things... I can't complain that they all choose to become bears to fight when they're on land, but surely an underwater bear is a bug!
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